Check Out a Project Plan

To make changes to a plan on the Projects form, you must check it out. When you check out a plan, it is not available to other users until it is checked back in.

To check out a project plan:
  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and click Projects.
  2. Select the project for which you want to check out the plan.
  3. Switch the Project/Plan toggle to Plan.
  4. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Check Out.

    If no one has the plan checked out, it is checked out to you.

    If someone else has the plan checked out, a message displays when you click Check Out to identify who has it checked out. Included in the message is the person's email address; click the address to compose an email to them about the plan. If your security role has the required access, the message also contains a link that you can click to check in the plan and check it back out to you.