Key Financial Metrics

The Key Financial Metrics report displays key performance indicators.

How the Report Pulls Together Indicators

This table illustrates how the Key Financial Metrics report gathers key performance indicators in a single location:

Types of statistics for Key Financial Metrics report Related report or application



Profit Percentage

Income Statement
Outstanding AR AR Aged
Utilization Time Analysis
Number of Full-time Employees Payroll


Effective Multiplier

Realization Ratio


Office Earnings
Actual Overhead Rate Overhead Allocation
Cash Balance

Cash Change

Balance Sheet
Opportunity Hit Rate Opportunity Hit Rate List

Adjust Report Margins for Printing

The Key Financial Metrics report is optimized for display on your Dashboard. If you need to print the Key Financial Metrics report, either use the options on the Layout tab to adjust the margins or download the report to PDF format to set the output format for printing.

Use Options to Focus Your Report

Many of the options available in the Options dialog box help you select the data included in the report, so that you can focus on the information most important to you. For example, you can generate the report for one organization or you can include only hourly employees in the utilization statistics.


To run this report as a cash-basis report, you must select Cash-Basis Reporting on the Reporting tab of the Accounting System Settings form(Settings > Advanced Accounting > System).

The Organization Record Access option in Security Settings specifies which organizations your security role has access to on reports, including this one.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, only information for the active company is included in this report. In addition, DPS excludes intercompany invoices from metrics that are based on billing and accounts receivable data.

Multiple Currencies

If you use multiple currencies, the report displays all monetary amounts in the presentation currency that you select on the General tab of the Options for Key Financial Metrics dialog box.

When you compare amounts on this report to equivalent amounts from a project report or opportunity report, be sure that you use the same presentation currency and exchange rate date for both reports.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.