Opportunities Form: Estimate

The Estimate form provides an overview of the estimated services and materials required for an opportunity. As you enter the labor, expense, consultant, or unit cost estimates for an opportunity, you can refresh the data to see an updated analysis of each estimate.

This form is available if your enterprise purchased the CRM Plus application and the Enable Service Estimate option is selected on the Service Estimate tab in Settings > Opportunities.

To view Service Estimates in the Opportunities Hub, select the Estimate toggle at the top of the page.


Field Description

Use the search field above the opportunity name to search for and select the opportunity that you want to review or edit.

To refine the results set, click the search filter drop-down arrow and select a standard or custom search:
  • Active: Display a list of active opportunities.
  • All: Display a list of all opportunities (both active and inactive).
  • Mine: Display a list of opportunities for which you are a member of the team.
  • Active Leads: Display a list of active leads.
  • Qualified: Display a list of qualified opportunities.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the contacts returned by that search.
  • Custom: Display the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.
For information about creating and using searches, see the following topics in Basics:

If an opportunity is inactive or closed, the search results list displays the record in gray to indicate the status. You can hover over the indicator to display the status.


The opportunity's name displays above the tabs.

If the name is too long to display completely, hover over it to see a tooltip containing the full name. To edit the name, hover over it and click .

Last modified by These fields, located below the opportunity's name, display the date the contact information was last changed and the name of the person who made the changes.