Units Tab of Opportunities Service Estimates Mode

Use the Units tab to estimate the quantities, cost amounts, and billing amounts for the opportunity.

This tab is available if your firm purchased the DPS CRM Professional application and the Enable Service Estimate option is selected on the Service Estimate tab in Settings > Opportunities.


Much of the information for DPS is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Units Summary Grid

Field Description
+Add Units Click this option to enter a new unit row on the grid.
Unit Number Enter the unit number or select one on the lookup. The Unit lookup displays a combination of Unit Number, Unit Name, and Unit Table fields from which you can select a specific combination of information. Dormant unit records are not included.
Unit Name DPS displays the unit name associated with the selected Unit Number.
Unit Table DPS displays the unit table associated with the selected Unit Number.
Planned Qty Enter the planned quantity for the current unit. This is the number of units you estimate as necessary to complete work on the element.
Cost Rate Cost rates represent your firm's cost to produce a service. When you select a unit from the Unit Lookup, DPS displays the cost rate that is associated with the unit in the Unit Table.
Planned Cost DPS calculates the planned cost amount based on the following:

Cost Rate * Planned Qty

Billing Rate Billing rates represent what the client will pay for the services that your firm provides. When you select a unit on the Unit Lookup, the billing rate associated with the unit in the Unit Table displays in this field. The billing multiplier entered on the Rates tab is applied in addition to the billing rates specified in the Unit Table.

You can enter a billing rate in this field, to override the existing billing rate.

Planned Bill DPS calculates the planned billing amount based on the following:

Billing Rate * Planned Qty

Click this icon to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.