Transaction Lists

Transaction lists are printouts of the transaction files that you create in transaction entry. To reduce the chances of posting inaccurate data, review transaction lists before you post data to the database.

Although data is usually valid at the time of entry, there can be a gap between the time the file is entered and the time when it is posted. In this period of time, another employee may change the database, and thus create invalid data in that file. To identify this incorrect data, use transaction lists to check the validity of the data. Because it is faster and easier to correct data before it is posted than to modify data that has been posted, Deltek suggests that you always print transaction lists before you post data.

After you select a transaction list to review, you can also use the Transaction List Timesheets and Expense Reports tabs to select the employee timesheet or expense report file(s) to include in the transaction list report.

You can print transaction lists for recurring transaction files.

Multiple Companies

If you use multiple companies, you can see transaction lists for the active company, only. This is the company you see listed in the Owner field at the top of the report.