Add a Timesheet Period

Add a timesheet period in Time Settings.

If you have multiple companies, you must complete these steps for each company.

To add a timesheet period:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Time > Time Periods .
  2. On the Time Periods form, click one of the following links below the Time Periods grid to add one or multiple timesheet periods:
    • + Add Time Period: Click this link to add a new time period in the blank row that is added to the grid.
    • + Add Multiple Time Periods: Click this link to add multiple timesheet periods. Complete the information on the Add Multiple Time Periods dialog box, and click the Add button to return to the Time Periods tab.
  3. Click Save.
After you add and save a timesheet period, you can change the timesheet period status, but you cannot change the start date or end date. To change the start date or end date, delete the timesheet period and add it to the grid again.