Turn on Auditing for Billing Labor Transfers

You turn on auditing for billing labor transfers in Time Settings. This allows you to transfer timesheet labor hours in Interactive Billing or Interactive Approvals in the desktop application. This also allows you to send a timesheet alert to the affected employee after the transfer is processed.

If you have multiple companies, you must complete these steps for each company.

To turn on billing labor transfer auditing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit.
  2. On the Timesheet Audit form, set the Enable Billing Transfer Audit option to Yes.
  3. Optional: Click + Add Reason below the Global Transfer Reason grid to add a row to the grid and add a standardized transfer reason that employees can select when they make a labor transfer in Interactive Billing or Interactive Approvals.
  4. Click Save.
In the Settings > Time > Alerts, set up the Labor Billing Transfer Audit alert to be sent automatically to employees who are affected by labor transfers.