People Planner Web Components

The People Planner Web Components can be embedded consistently but in various places within Maconomy.

Each location serves a specific role and purpose. These are:

  • Budgeting Assistant: Used primarily by Project Managers.
  • Progress Evaluation Assistant: Used primarily by Project Managers.
  • Resourcing: Used primarily by Project Managers.
  • Resource Management: Used primarily by Resource Managers.
  • Assignment Management (AM): Used by both Project and Resource Managers.
  • Resource Plans: Used primarily by Project Managers.
Note: You must have Maconomy 2.6.5 or newer and People Planner 4.8 or newer to utilize all available functionality in the the web components.
Attention: For information about configuring where the People Planner Web Components are embedded, see the Deltek People Planner Integrations Guide.