Compounding the Annual Budget Dialog Box

Use the Compounding the Annual Budget dialog box to compound budget amounts based on a percentage or an amount.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Budgeting > Consolidated G/L.
  2. On the Consolidated G/L Budgeting form, click the row for the account and then click Tools on the toolbar.
  3. Click Compound Annual Budget.


Field Description
Percent To compound budget amounts based on a percentage, enter the percentage in the Percent field, and click the Percent button. For example, to compound budget amounts by ten percent, enter 10 and click Percent.

You cannot compound by percent and amount simultaneously. Each time that you click the Percent or Amount button you compound by only the value in the corresponding field.

Amount To compound budget amounts based on an amount, enter that amount in the Amount field, and click the Amount button. For example, to compound budget amounts by 1000, enter 1000 and click Amount.

You cannot compound by percent and amount simultaneously. Each time that you click the Percent or Amount button you compound by only the value in the corresponding field.

Cancel Click this button to close the dialog box without compounding the budget amounts.