Toolbar of Consolidated General Ledger Budgeting

Use the toolbar options to add a budget, adjust or compound an annual budget, or print a file of budget data.


Field Description
Save After you create or modify a budget, click this option to save your work.
New Click New to add a new budget. The menu provides these options:
  • New Budget — Create a new budget.
  • Copy Current Budget — Copy the currently displayed budget to create a new budget.
  • Select Budget to Copy — Select a budget and copy that budget information to create a new budget.
Delete To delete a budget, display it on the Consolidated G/L Budgeting form and click this option.
Tools To compound the budget, adjust the budget, or add accounts to the budget, click Tools. The menu provides these options:
  • Compound Annual Budget — Open the Compounding the Annual Budget dialog box and compound the budget for each period. You can compound the period amounts by a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.
  • Adjust Budget — You can increase or decrease the budget for each period by a percentage or a fixed dollar amount.
  • Import Accounts — Import accounts into the budget from the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, or from another budget.
Print To print or download the budget to a file, click this option. Vision displays the budget in the Preview window. You can then print the budget or download it.
Help Click this option to display the online help.