Set Up Budget Accounts Dialog Box

Use the Set up Budget Accounts dialog box to select a group of accounts that you want to add to the currently displayed budget.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vision Navigation menu, click Accounting > Budgeting > Consolidated G/L.
  2. Display the budget to which you want to add accounts.
  3. Click Tools on the toolbar.
  4. Click Import Accounts.


Field Description
Accounts from Select the type of accounts that you want to add: Balance Sheet accounts, Income Statement accounts, or the accounts from another budget. Vision displays a list of accounts in Available Accounts based on your selection. After you use the Select button to move accounts to Accounts to Import, you can change this option to select from a different set of accounts.
Available Accounts Based on your selection in Accounts from, this field lists the accounts that you can add to the budget.

To add accounts, select one or more accounts and click Select to move those accounts to the Accounts to Import list. Click Select All to select all of the available accounts.

To select multiple accounts in consecutive rows, click the first account in the group, hold down the SHIFT key, and click the last account in the group. To select multiple accounts that are not in consecutive rows, hold down the CTRL key while you each account.

Replace matching account numbers when importing Click this option to replace existing account names with the matching imported account names. If you do not select this option and matching account numbers are found, Vision does not import the names
Select Select the accounts in Available Accounts and click this option to move those accounts to Accounts to Import.
Remove To remove an account from Accounts to Import field, click the account and click this option.

To select multiple accounts in consecutive rows, click the first account in the group, hold down the SHIFT key, and click the last account in the group. To select multiple accounts that are not in consecutive rows, hold down the CTRL key while you each account.

Select All Click this button to move all accounts from Available Accounts to Accounts to Import.
Remove All Click this button to move all accounts from Accounts to Import back to Available Accounts.
Accounts to Import This field lists all accounts that you have selected to be imported to the current budget.
OK Click this button to import all accounts listed in Accounts to Import.
Cancel Click this button to close the Setup Budget Accounts dialog box without importing accounts.