Performance Management Overview

Vision Performance Management is an optional module that is available in two editions. The Vision Performance Management Edition contains the Analysis Cubes, Performance Dashboards, and Visualization components. The Performance Management Analysis Cubes Edition contains only the Analysis Cubes component.

Analysis Cubes

The Analysis Cubes component provides you with a Vision project data cube and a general ledger data cube from which you create custom Vision reports with Microsoft Excel® or any business intelligence tool that supports SQL Server Analysis Services OLAP cubes. The Analysis Cubes also serve as the data sources for the performance dashboards that you create.

Performance Dashboards

Use Tableau ® Server and Tableau Desktop (products of Tableau Software ®, Inc.), along with Vision Analysis Cubes and Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services components, to create role-based graphical performance dashboards. Performance dashboards are business intelligence tools that executives and managers use to view and interact with critical project and general ledger data using a variety of graphical representations of that data. The performance dashboards are displayed as dashparts on the Vision Dashboard.

Vision Performance Management provides a set of sample performance dashboards, created using the Tableau software, that you can use as examples of the capabilities of performance dashboards and as a starting point for building your own performance dashboards. Each set is designed for a specific management and responsibility role in your firm, from corporate executives to project managers.


The Visualization feature in Vision Performance Management is a visual data analysis tool with interactive graphics. Visualization enables you to display key metric values for your projects, project plans, and opportunities in a graphical format to help you analyze performance, determine trends, and identify risks to your business. You can bring together metrics with different scales and time periods, and you can quickly switch the focus from one metric to another.

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