Performance Management Dashboards Overview

The Vision Performance Management performance dashboards are business intelligence tools that executives and managers use to view and interact with critical organizational performance data using a variety of graphical representations of that data.

The sample performance dashboards provide out-of-the-box visualizations of your Vision Analysis Cubes data. However, you are not limited to the sample dashboards. VPM also includes a dashboard authoring tool from Tableau Software that enables you to modify the sample dashboards or to create and deploy dashboards that you design yourself.

Sample Performance Dashboards

The sample performance dashboards provided with Vision Performance Management are divided into sets that are designed for the following specific management and responsibility roles in your firm:

  • Business development manager
  • Executive
  • Finance
  • Organization manager
  • Principal
  • Project manager
  • Resource manager

Many of the dashboards include automatically applied filters so that when you display them, the charts and tables only present data that is relevant to you. For example, if you display one of the organization manager dashboards, the dashboard, by default, only includes data for the organization to which you are assigned in Vision. And all of the sample performance dashboards offer multiple options for filtering and drilling into the data.

While you can use the sample performance dashboards as they are, they are also valuable as examples of the capabilities of performance dashboards and as starting points for building your own dashboards.

Dashboard Access

Vision users can add published performance dashboards—both sample dashboards and dashboards that you create—as Web dashparts to their Vision Dashboard, or they can display them from Vision Reporting in the standard Preview window.

You can also make the dashboards available to users from outside Vision, through a browser, for example, or on supported mobile devices.

To support collaboration, all of the dashboards offer options for saving, sharing, and distributing key views of the data.

Dashboard Authoring

Those in your firm who are interested in exploring your Vision Analysis Cubes data in new ways can use Tableau Desktop to design and build their own dashboards. Tableau Desktop is an extremely flexible and intuitive authoring tool, ideal for trying out innovative approaches to data analysis. The dashboards created with Tableau Desktop can be strictly for the author's own use, or they can be published and made available to others who use VPM. Your VPM license includes full access to Tableau Desktop for any number of users.

While all of the sample performance dashboards and most custom dashboards that Vision customers create use the Analysis Cubes as the data source, you have the option to connect your custom dashboards directly to your Vision transactional database.

Multicompany and Multicurrency

The sample performance dashboards are designed based on the assumption that the Multicompany and Multicurrency features are not implemented in Vision. However, if you use the Multicompany feature in Vision, you can set up performance dashboards to provide business intelligence information that encompasses multiple companies. You can also create dashboards that reflect consolidated financial information if you have implemented consolidated reporting in Vision. (If you are using the Multicompany feature, you can display the sample dashboards, but you must apply an organization filter if you want the data to be meaningful.)

The Analysis Cubes support multiple currencies if you have implemented the Vision Multicurrency feature, enabling you to set up performance dashboards that present data in the currencies you use in Vision.

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