Sample Performance Dashboards Overview

Vision provides a set of sample performance dashboards that you can use as examples of the capabilities of performance dashboards and as a starting point for building your own dashboards. Each set is designed for a specific management and responsibility role in your firm, from corporate executives to project managers.

After you complete the installation and implementation processes, you can display the sample performance dashboards from Vision. However, because they are not tailored for your data (your work breakdown structure or organization structure, for example) and for your specific business intelligence needs, you will want to modify them or create additional performance dashboards.

Sample Dashboard Roles

For the most part, the roles with which the sample dashboards are associated are just labels to suggest the appropriate users for each set of dashboards. They do not correspond to actual roles established in Vision. The exceptions are the project manager and principal roles. The dashboards for those roles are automatically filtered to display only data for projects for which the user is identified as the project manager or principal in Vision.)

Sample Dashboard Design Assumptions

The sample performance dashboards are designed based on the following assumptions:

  • The organization structure has two levels.
  • The work breakdown (project) structure has three levels.
  • Both the Principal field and the Project Manager fields are being used for their intended purpose.
  • The Multicurrency feature is not enabled.
  • The Multicompany feature is not enabled. If you are using the Multicompany feature, you can display the sample dashboards, but you must apply an organization filter if you want the data to be meaningful.

If You Do Not Use Organizations

Some of the sample dashboards require the presence of organizations. When you publish the sample dashboards to make them available to be used, the publishing process omits the dashboards listed below if it finds no organizations in your database:

  • Organization Manager Sample - Days Outstanding Metrics
  • Organization Manager Sample - Project Status
  • Organization Manager Sample - Accounts Receivable Trending
  • Organization Manager Sample - Opportunity Wins and Projections
  • Organization Manager Sample - Pipeline Revenue
  • Organization Manager Sample - Charts at Cost
  • Organization Manager Sample - Charts at Billing
  • Organization Manager Sample - Profit Drilldown
  • Organization Manager Sample - Variance Drilldown
  • Resource Manager Sample - Pipeline Revenue
  • Resource Manager Sample - Opportunity Wins and Projections
  • Resource Manager Sample - Utilization and Realization

Sample Dashboards and System Labels

Though it is unlikely that you will be able to use any of the sample performance dashboards without making at least some modifications, the dashboards, when published, do automatically use the Vision system labels that you specify for your firm on the Labels tab of the General System Settings form (Configuration > General > System Settings).

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