Consolidations and Eliminations

During the consolidation process, Vision eliminates (excludes from the merged data) any account balances or portions of account balances that represent intercompany transactions between the companies in the consolidation group.

When you remove intercompany transactions, the consolidated information gives an accurate view of the financial state of that group as a whole.

Vision automatically eliminates all or portions of the balances of the following intercompany accounts.

Accounts specified in the Accounting Company Settings form:

Accounts specified in the Intercompany Billing Setup form:

In addition, when you set up a consolidation group, you can specify other accounts that you want Vision to eliminate when it processes a consolidation for that group. You identify these user-defined elimination accounts on the Eliminations tab of the Consolidated Reporting Setup form.

To make the automatic eliminations, Vision compares the companies included in the consolidation group to the companies involved in intercompany transactions. Thus, if the balance of the intercompany accounts receivable account, for example, includes some transactions that involve companies that are not part of the consolidation group, Vision does not eliminate that portion of the intercompany accounts receivable balance. In contrast, Vision always eliminates the complete account balance for the user-defined elimination accounts you specify on the Eliminations tab of the Consolidated Reporting Setup form.

After you process a consolidation, you can generate the Consolidated Eliminations report to review the accounts and amounts that were eliminated.