Consolidations Overview

If you use the Multicompany feature, you can generate consolidated versions of the General Ledger reports to show financial data for a group of companies within your firm or for the firm as a whole.

You generate these reports by consolidation group. A consolidation group is a group of companies for which you want to generate consolidated financial reports. A consolidation group can include all of your companies or a set of companies. The companies in a consolidation group typically have something in common that is important to your reporting needs. For example, you might group companies by region, with one consolidation group for Southeast Asian companies in your enterprise, another for European companies, and a third for North American companies.

The consolidation process merges general ledger data from the companies in the consolidation group so that you can generate consolidated reports from that merged data. During this process, Vision eliminates (excludes from the merged data) account balances or portions of account balances that represent intercompany transactions between the companies in the consolidation group.

You can run the consolidation process directly, or you can schedule it to run at another time.

Deltek recommends that you run the consolidations process one time each month, immediately before you generate the consolidated general ledger reports. If you change accounting information (for example, if you re-run the revenue generation process) after you run the consolidation process for a period, you must run the consolidation process again, or the information on your consolidated reports may not be accurate.

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