Project Control Overview

Project Control helps you keep your projects running smoothly. You can manage project activities and monitor project progress.

Use Project Control to record each of your firm's projects, coordinate project activities and monitor project progress, process labor and expense transactions, charge direct and overhead costs to projects, track employee time, generate project reports, and maintain project budgets.

You can use Project Control on its own or use it with other Vision applications such as Billing, CRM, Proposals, Resource Planning, and Time and Expense, as a complete financial and project management system.

Maintain Project Information

Before you use Project Control, you must enter basic information about each of your projects, including phases and tasks, if applicable. You must also enter basic information about your clients and your employees, and you must set up unit tables if you are using units to charge any expenses to your projects.

Then, on a regular basis, you supply Vision with current project-related information. For example, you:

  • Establish budgets for projects.
  • Process timesheets, which Vision uses to cost and distribute labor to projects.
  • Process expense charges to projects.
  • Process invoices for projects.
  • Update percent completes for projects.

As you process transactions and update project budgets and percent completes, Vision uses this information to calculate:

  • The overhead allocated to each project.
  • The direct expenses charged to each project.
  • The revenue earned by each project.

Project Reports

You can generate various project reports that show the financial status of your projects, including:

  • Project Progress Report
  • Project Detail Report
  • Project Summary Report
  • Office Earnings Report
  • Project List Report
  • Unposted Labor Report

Some project reports are designed to help project managers monitor the performance of their own projects. These reports include detailed information about the labor, expense, and revenue postings to individual projects. Other project reports are designed to help principals analyze the performance of the firm as a whole. These reports provide a more summarized view of all of the firm’s projects.

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