Project Reporting

Vision offers a variety of summary and detailed reports designed specifically for project management.

Every company shares and uses information in its own way. As you use Vision and become accustomed to the information it makes available to you, you can choose to print and distribute the reports that are most appropriate to your firm.

You can sort any of these reports or select projects to be included on these reports based on any static project, phase, or task information, including Project Manager, Principal, or Organization name. You can also choose to run your reports (except for the Project List and Unposted Labor reports) at cost rates or billing rates, if you are using the Vision Billing application. If you do not use Vision Billing, all reports print at cost rates.

Commonly Used Project Reports

Project Progress Report

The Project Progress report compares your labor and expense budgets with your project's actual performance on a current and job-to-date basis. The Project Progress report lets you monitor and analyze project, phase, and task status by providing you with the most current information for the project. Use this report to:

  • Verify that a project is on target and within budget.

  • Pinpoint any trouble areas.

  • Diagnose situations that are preventing the project from proceeding according to budget.

  • Confirm the accuracy and completeness of current period labor and expense charges.

Project Detail Report

The Project Detail report displays current period or job-to-date labor and expense transaction detail for each project, phase, and task. Typically, this transaction-based report is used to view a project's detail for a specific period of time. This report provides you with the following:

  • Labor Distribution Information — The report shows which employees have charged time to a given project, phase, or task in the current accounting period (or job-to-date). Time can be broken out into regular and overtime hours.

  • Billing Assistance — The report contains a complete record of hours worked by each employee on each project, phase, and task, along with the resulting amounts charged to each project, phase, and task. The report also provides you with a complete record of all project expenses by account number. You can use this report as the billing backup for an invoice if a particular client requires detail.

  • Project Cost Record — The report shows all project labor charges and expenses in detail, thereby providing you with a complete record of current or job-to-date project costs (unless you are using Vision Billing and choose to print the report at billing rates). Printing the report at billing rates shows the billing potential of all labor and expenses charged to the project.

Project Summary Report

The Project Summary report provides you with a comparison of job-to-date spent and budgeted amounts for all the regular projects, phases, and tasks in your firm. The report shows the total labor, overhead, direct expenses, indirect expenses, and reimbursable expenses charged to each regular project, phase, and task. The report allows you to see how these amounts compare to your project budgets. Use the report to monitor your percent completes and to ensure that you are not exceeding your project budgets.

Office Earnings Report

The Office Earnings report is a high-level summary of financial activity for all regular projects, phases, and tasks. It includes current, year-to-date, and job-to-date totals for billed and spent amounts, revenue, and profit/loss amounts. Use the report to determine:

  • Which project managers are earning the most on their projects.
  • What types of work are most profitable for your firm.
  • The profitability of each organization in your firm.

Project List Report

The Project List report shows all of the data currently entered in the Project Info Center. Use this information to review and verify the data entered in your Info Center records.

Unposted Labor Report

The Unposted Labor report shows all timesheet data in unposted transaction entry files and all Timesheet timesheets that are in progress, submitted, or approved, but not yet posted. The report allows you to keep track of time that has been charged to projects, but not yet posted to the projects.

Labor Detail Report

The Labor Detail report shows all labor charges posted to your projects, including the regular, overtime, and total number of hours worked for each employee, labor code, project, phase, and task.

Labor Summary Report

The Labor Summary report shows summary labor data from the Project Summary report, broken out by labor code. You can use the report to compare actuals to budget amounts, by labor code. If you are using the Vision Planning application, you can specify whether Vision draws budget data from plans or from projects when you generate this report.

Expense Detail Report

The Expense Detail report shows all expense charges posted to your projects, phases, and tasks. The report includes both billed and unbilled expenses.

Expense Summary Report

The Expense Summary report shows summary expense data from the Project Summary report, broken out by account number. You can use the report to compare actuals to budgeted amounts, by account. If you are using the Vision Planning application, you can specify whether Vision draws budget data from plans or from projects when you generate this report.

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