History Overview

Most likely, when you install and begin using Vision, you will already have a great deal of project and accounting data stored in other places. You must supply Vision with a certain amount of this historical data (such as account balances as of the installation cutoff date) for your Vision processing and reporting to make sense.

There are three methods for loading your historical data into Vision:

The History Concepts help covers only concepts related to the History Loading Utility.

If you choose to enter your historical data through the History Loading utility, you must enter the data with special database forms. These forms are referred to as history loading forms. History loading forms allow you to enter information directly into your Vision database (in other words, you do not have to post this information into the database) and build the reports you will be using to monitor your firm.

The Vision History Loading utility allows you to enter and track data as of the end of the period prior to the installation cutoff date, which is the date you choose to start processing transactions in Vision. All data that you enter in Vision after the installation cutoff date is considered transaction data.

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