Installation Cutoff Date

Your installation cutoff date is the date on which you start processing transactions in Vision, also called the "go live" date.

You can use any date during the year as your installation cutoff date. Your main concerns in selecting a date should be the following:

Although you can select a cutoff date in the past or plan to use a date in the future, keep the following constraints in mind:

End of Fiscal Year

The end of a fiscal year is an ideal cutoff date for your history data. If you install Vision at the end of your firm's fiscal year, you only need to enter account balances for your Balance Sheet accounts. You do not need to enter balances for your Income Statement accounts. This could save you a great deal of time and effort. However, the end of your fiscal year may already be a busy time for your staff. Before choosing a year-end cutoff date, be sure that you have the resources to handle your normal year end work plus installation.

Consider the following if you are thinking about using the end of the fiscal year as your cutoff date:

  • If your fiscal year end is coming up soon, you might find it convenient to wait until year end to install Vision. This will make history loading easier.

  • If you have just passed year end, you may want to install Vision now, use year end as your cutoff date, and reprocess any transactions that have occurred since year end.

  • If you are not close to year end, waiting several months to install Vision or installing Vision and then reprocessing several months worth of transactions may not be worthwhile. In this case, consider choosing the end of an accounting period as your installation cutoff date.

End of Accounting Period

Using the end of an accounting period as your cutoff date may be right for you if you are not close to year end or you do not have the resources to install Vision at year end. You can choose the end of any accounting period as your cutoff date.

Consider the following if you are thinking about using the end of an accounting period as your cutoff date:

  • If you select a previous accounting period as your cutoff date, will you have the time and resources to reprocess any transactions that have occurred since then?

  • If you select an accounting period in the future, will you have time to enter essential history before the cutoff date occurs and you must begin processing transactions through Vision?

  • Are you near enough to year end to use the fiscal year end as your cutoff date instead of the end of an accounting period?