Invoice and Receipt History Loading Utility

Invoice and Receipt History is information about invoices and receipts that your projects generated before the installation cutoff date.

The main purpose in entering invoice and receipt history is to update your Accounts Receivable Aging, Accounts Receivable Ledger, and Office Earnings reports. The following reports are updated when you enter data on the Invoice and Receipt History form:

Invoice Section

  • Accounts Receivable Reports
  • Job-to-Date Office Earnings Report (Billed Columns)

Receipt Section

  • Accounts Receivable Reports


If you are using the Multicompany feature, when you enter historical invoice and receipt information for your projects, you are doing so for all companies.


If you are using the Multicurrency feature, when you enter historical invoice and receipt information for your employees, Vision displays the billing, functional, and project currency amounts for all sections.

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