Posting Payroll and Printing Checks Overview

Vision does not recognize a processed payroll run until it is posted. Once posted, Vision recognizes the payroll expense, the employer’s FICA expense, and the withholding amounts.

Vision produces two posting logs each time that you post payroll:

Your firm must have the Print posting logs immediately after posting option set to Prompt or Always for you to be able to review posting logs. You set this option on the Posting tab of the General Accounting Setup form (Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings).

If your firm uses the Deltek First Vision Essentials cloud version of Vision, printing a posting log will open the Preview window. Use the print option in the Preview window to continue printing.

How Payroll Posting Affects the General Ledger

The payroll posting debits the account specified in the Labor Credit field on the Posting tab of the Accounting Company Settings form (typically the Job Cost Variance account.) the Employer’s FICA account, and either the bank associated with a specified Bank Code, or the Salaries Payable account. Vision also credits a series of withholding liability accounts.

After Vision posts the labor distribution credit and Job Cost Variance debit, the Job Cost Variance account may contain a balance. This balance is the difference between the labor expense that was costed to projects and the amount actually paid to employees.

The Payroll Processing Posting Log includes a General Ledger Posting Summary section that lists the accounts that were credited and debited for the payroll run. These accounts are established on the Accounting Configuration, Payroll Setup, and Payroll Withholding Codes Setup forms.

You can post bonus and other pay amounts to their own cost accounts by entering account information in the Bonus Cost field on the General tab of Payroll Setup or the Other Pay fields on the Other Pay Setup tab of Payroll Setup.

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