Payroll Processing Overview

When you process payroll, Vision creates a check for each employee or initiates a direct deposit, and recognizes the time posted for the period as being paid.

There are three payroll run types available: Regular, Adjustments, and Bonus. There are two process types available: Automatic and Manual Select.

Before You Process Payroll

Prior to performing payroll processing, ensure the following:

  • Initializations (accounting period, fiscal year, quarter, and W-2 year) are up-to-date.

  • Database information is up-to-date (that is, all employees exist in the Employee Info Center, you have made any pay rate or withholding changes, and so on).

  • You have made a database backup.

  • Outstanding timesheets are entered and posted.

Important Information about Vision Payroll Processing

  • You can process payroll for salaried employees without timesheets.

  • You can have multiple payroll runs open at the same time. For example, if your firm processes payroll separately by Organization (for example the Boston office and the Chicago office), each office can process payroll simultaneously. After a payroll processing session is in progress, you can exit and re-enter payroll processing at the point where you left off. The status in the Post Comment field on the Select Posting Run dialog box indicates where you left off.

  • You can only process payroll in a prior or closed period, or prior W2 quarter if the Allow processing in closed period, Allow processing in prior period, and Allow payroll processing in prior W2 quarter options are selected for your role on the Accounting tab of Role Security. Deltek recommends that you not process payroll in a previous period. Doing so could invalidate any data already processed in subsequent periods (for example, limits on withholdings, wage base considerations for withholdings, and so on). If you attempt to process payroll in a previous period, Vision displays a message to indicate that doing so may lead to unexpected results.

  • You control whether or not Social Security numbers display on the payroll journal, draft payroll journal, and payroll ACH files with the Print social security number on journals and direct deposit reports/files option, available on the General tab of the Accounting Company Settings form.

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