AR Aged

Project managers use the AR Aged report to manage their accounts receivable.

For each project, the report displays the balance due, the length of time the receivables have been outstanding, and when the last cash receipt was posted. You can include a detail line for each invoice.

Use the AR Aged report to do the following:

On the Project Lookup dialog box, you can search on an invoice number or on unpaid invoices. These searches help you locate projects that have at least one invoice that matches your criteria. However, they do not filter the invoices. The report still includes all of the invoices for each project you select.

Leading Zeros in Invoice Numbers

If your firm uses leading zeros in invoice numbers but you do not want to display the zeros on this report, clear the Display invoice leading zeros option on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form.

Contact Name and Phone Number

Contact names and phone numbers only appear on the AR Aged report if the contact is specified in the billing terms. This is true even if you select Contact and Telephone in Client info to display on the Options tab in the Options dialog box.

Credit Memos

Credit memos are not listed separately on the AR Aged report. Credit memos posted against an invoice are reflected in the invoice balance listed on the report.

Invoice Comments

You can include invoice comments for accounts receivable on this report, or you can generate the AR Comments report.

The Accounts Receivable comment review access option on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles) controls whether or not you can view invoice comments.


If you use the Pre-Invoices feature (turned on in Configuration > Billing > General > Miscellaneous tab), you can choose whether or not to include pre-invoices on the AR Aged report. The report will include unpaid pre-invoices that are not canceled, in addition to regular invoices. The drill-down hyperlinks for pre-invoices are disabled in the report.

Sort and Group by Billing Group

If you group by Billing Group Name or Billing Group Number, Vision uses the project name and number for projects that do not belong to a billing group.

Expanding and Collapsing Report Groups

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and if, on the Options tab of the Options dialog box for this report, you elect to display client address information or AR comments and you also enable the option to collapse and expand a report group, Vision disables the expand/collapse option for report groups when you generate the report with this set of options. This is necessary because a defect in Microsoft software would cause the report to fail otherwise.

Options Dialog Box

Use the Options dialog box to specify reporting options for a report. Depending on the report, the dialog box contains one or more of the following tabs: General, Sorting/Grouping, Columns, Budget, Metrics, User Defined Sections, Activity, Drill Down, Layout, and Graph.

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