AR Aged Options Tab

The Options tab of the AR Aged Options dialog box gives you additional control over the data displayed on the AR Aged report.

For example, you can use these options to exclude unassigned receipts from the report or to include only those receipts that are more than 60 days old.

Contact names and phone numbers are only included on the AR Aged report if the contact is specified in billing terms. This is true even if you select Contact and Telephone in Client info to display on the Options tab of the Options dialog box for the AR Aged report.


Field Description
Client info to display If you select None, no additional client information is added to the report.

If you select an option other than None, the effect of that option depends on your selections on the Sorting/Grouping tab.

If you sort and group by Billing Client Number or Billing Client Name, the options have the following results:

  • Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
  • Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each billing client.
  • Full Address — The report displays each billing client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.

If you sort and group by Client Number or Client Name, the options have the following results:

  • Number and Name — The report displays no additional client information.
  • Contact and Telephone — The report displays all contacts associated with each primary client.
  • Full Address — The report displays each primary client's billing address and all of the client's contacts.

If you sort and group by Project Number or Project Name, the options have the following results:

  • Number and Name — The report displays the each project's billing client number and name.
  • Contact and Telephone — The report displays each project's billing contact.
  • Full Address — The report displays the billing address for each project's billing client and the project's billing contact.

If you sort and group by Billing Contact or Primary Contact, the options have the following results:

  • Number and Name — The report displays the billing client or primary client number and name that is associated with the billing contact or primary contact.
  • Contact and Telephone — The report displays each project's billing contact or primary contact.
  • Full Address — The address of the billing contact or primary contact.

For example, if you selected Billing Client and then Project Number in your sorting/grouping, the contact information for all project’s contacts will show with the Client. If you select Billing Client, Project Number, and then Billing Contact, the contact information will show with each project.

Print Client Notes Select this check box to include the text entered in the Notes field on the General tab of the Client Info Center. Vision displays the notes as the last line of the client information section. (This option is not available if you select None in Client info to display.)

Vision displays the complete text of the notes on the report. If you commonly want to include notes on this report, Deltek recommends that you try to limit the length of the notes you enter for clients. Otherwise, they can increase the size of the report significantly.

The notes in the report retain any text formatting that was applied when they were entered in the Client Info Center.

Print AR Comments Select this check box to display comments entered for the invoices during transaction entry. In Start Date and End Date, specify the date range for the comments you want to see.

To include comments, you must also sort and group the report by Primary Client Number, Project Number, or both. If the invoice has no project associated with it, the comment prints under the client group header. If the invoice has a project, the comment prints under the project group header.

The Accounts Receivable comment review access option on the Accounting tab of the Roles form (Configuration > Security > Roles) controls whether or not you can view invoice comments.

Start Date Specify the start date of the date range for which you want to include comments. Enter the date, or click and select the date.
End Date Specify the end date of the date range for which you want to include comments. Enter the date, or click and select the date.
Print Invoice Detail Select this check box to display the invoice number, date, and amount of the invoice for each transaction posted during the period.
Print Last Receipt By Project Select this check box to display the most recent receipt for each project.
Print Final Average Age Select this check box if you want the final totals section to display the average of the number of days between the date selected in Age Using and the date selected in Aging Date on the General tab for all receivables included on the report.
Print Final Receipt Date Select this check box if you want the final totals section to display the most recent receipt for all receivables included on the report.
Print all Invoices with Retainage Select this check box to display all invoices with retainage amounts. This option is only available if Enable Retainage is selected on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form (Configuration > Accounting > System Settings).
Only include invoices over _____ days old Select this check box to restrict the report to invoices over a specified number of days old. Enter that number of days in the field next to the check box label. Use this option to focus the report on your older unpaid invoices.
Only include invoices through _____ Select this check box to restrict the report to invoices dated in or before a specified period. Select that period in the field next to the check box label.

The report displays all receipts for the invoices, regardless of receipt date. For example, you generate the report for invoices posted as of 09/2013. If you received payments for those invoices in 10/2013 and 11/2013, the report displays those receipts also.

Use this option to get an accurate picture of your accounts receivable for invoices generated before a specific date.

Clients with balances over _____ Select this check box to include only those clients with an outstanding balance equal to or greater than the amount that you specify.

Vision determines the total outstanding balance for all of a client's projects. Vision then compares that total outstanding balance to the amount you enter in this field. If the outstanding balance is greater than or equal to the amount you specify, that client is included on the report.

If you use this option, do the following:

  • Use the Client info to display options on this tab to print some level of client detail.
  • Sort the report by client name or client number.
Invoices with balances over _____ Select this check box to include only those invoices with an outstanding balance equal to or greater than the amount you specify. For example, if you select this check box and enter 1000 as the minimum amount, the report only includes those invoices with balances of $1,000.00 or more.
Drill Down Interest Column Select the column in the AR Aging Amount Drill Down report in which you want Vision to include interest amounts. For example, if you select Interest and you drill down on an outstanding balance in the AR Aged report that includes interest, Vision displays the interest amount in the Interest column of the AR Aging Amount Drill Down report.
Report at If you use the Multicurrency feature, select the type of currency in which you want Vision to display monetary amounts.
Age Interest Select this check box if you want the amounts in the aging columns to include any unpaid interest on past due amounts.
Exclude Unassigned Receipts An unassigned receipt is a cash receipt posted to an invoice for which there is no record in Vision. Select this check box to exclude such receipts from the report.
Age Unassigned Receipts An unassigned receipt is a cash receipt posted to an invoice for which there is no record in Vision. Select this check box if you want Vision to include unassigned receipts in the calculation of amounts in the aging columns. Vision reduces the outstanding balance by the amount of the unassigned receipt. The column affected depends on the date of the receipt.
Print Retainer's Balance Select this check box to show retainer amounts. This option is available only if Enable Retainers is selected on the General tab of the Accounting System Settings form.
Print Pre-Invoices This check box displays only if you have the Pre-Invoices feature enabled for a company on the Miscellaneous tab in Configuration > Billing > General.

Select this check box to include pre-invoices on the AR Aged report. The report will include unpaid pre-invoices that are not canceled, in addition to regular invoices.

Because pre-invoices have no due date, the Aging Date option (Current Date, Period End Date, or Specific Date) that you select on the General tab of the AR Aged Options dialog box is compared to a pre-invoice's invoice date, regardless of whether you select the Invoice Date or Due Date Age Using option. Pre-invoices are included on the AR Aged report based on whether or not the date of the pre-invoice is within the time frame that you select on the General tab.

Pre-invoices are included in the report for each of the following options that you select on the General tab of the AR Aged Options dialog box:
  • Print Last Receipt by Project
  • Print Final Average Aged
  • Print Final Receipt Date
  • Only include invoices over <days old>
  • Only include invoices through <period>
  • Clients with balances over <x amount>
  • Invoices with balances over <x amount>

When you sort and group the AR Aged report by invoice, the pre-invoice number displays in the Invoice column of the report.

The drill-down hyperlinks for pre-invoices are disabled in the report.

If you use multiple currencies: The Report at field on the AR Aged Option tab changes automatically to Billing Currency. You can only run the report with the billing currency when pre-invoices are included on the report.