Print a Timesheet Report

You can print a timesheet report at any time.

To print a timesheet report, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the My Timesheets Panel and select the timesheet that you want to print.
  2. Click Timesheet Options and select Print Report .
  3. From the Report dialog box, select one of the following:
    • Detailed Timesheet to print a Detailed Timesheet report that displays timesheet entries by employee and labor period. The report includes all information entered on the employee's timesheet, with the exception of revision auditing if it is enabled.
    • Summarized Timesheet to print a report that displays timesheet entries by employee and labor period. This report is a more compact version of the Detailed Timesheet report. It does not display names of work breakdown structure elements or timesheet comments.
    Note: A green indicator displays next to the Print Report option when it is selected.
  4. If you want timesheet data for each project to print on a separate page, select the Page Break by Project option.
  5. The Include Revision Audit Report option only displays if the Enable Timesheet Revision option is selected in Vision > Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Timesheet and revision auditing is enabled for the employee. Select Include Revision Audit Report to include revision audit information on the report.
  6. Click View Report. The report generates and displays as a PDF file. Use your default PDF viewer to save the report locally or print as needed.