
The Project Management forms contain grids that allow you to enter data for each WBS element that is associated with the plan. The main portion of the grid is typically read-only, but you can enter and update information on the Resource portion of the grid. The WBS is assigned and planned on the rows of the Resource grid and access to these features is assigned in Vision > Security > Roles. Some of the global features and functions of these grids are listed below.


Field Description
Planning Grids The Navigator Planning grids display the project's information. With the exception of Labor, the columns on the Planning grids are non-editable.
Resource Grids The Navigator Planning grids include Resource grids that allow you to enter information for the assigned WBS levels for the current project. The Resource grids are dynamic based on the Project Management area in which you are working. For example, the Consultant Resource grid allows you to enter consultant-related data, while the Labor Resource grid allows you to enter labor resources. The lookup options and project information that are available for these grids are also dynamic based on area.
Expand the Grid View Click to expand the view of the grid. To return to the normal view, click .
Update Charts The charts and associated fields update when you click a project, phase, or task row in the grid.
Lookups Lookups are available wherever you see a Lookup button. The data field in which the button appears determines which lookup opens when you select the icon. For example, if you are in the Expense Type field and click the lookup button, the Expense Type lookup opens.