Tools and Buttons

Use the Project Management Tools options and buttons to complete various functions within the associated workspaces.

Option/Button Name Description
Expand Expands the view of the grid.
Collapse Returns the grid to normal view.
Plan Settings Click Plan Settings to access the following options:
  • Change Image
  • Change Kona Space
  • Project Settings
The availability of these options depends on your access rights and configuration settings. Contact your system administrator for details.
Add Click Add to add a row to the resource grid.
Row Tools Click Row Tools to access the following options on the resource grids:
  • Insert
  • Copy
  • Delete
Lookup Indicates a lookup field.
Online Help Click Online Help to access the related Navigator online help topic.
Fill This option is available if you have access to the Expenses page in Project Management. Click Fill to spread amounts through the levels of the WBS on the Contract grid.

See the Spread Expense Amounts online help topic for more information.

Kona This option is available if Navigator is configured to integrate with Kona Business. See the Kona Integration Overview online help topic for more information.
Pending Invoice Approval This option is available if Navigator is configured to use Invoice Approvals. Click the Pending Invoice Approval button to view a list of invoices that are awaiting approval.