Navigator Toolbar

The Navigator toolbar provides access to global options and settings that impact the Navigator application. Some of these options include drop-down menus where you can make further selections; other options perform a function related to the application. The options and menus that display on the toolbar depend on the Vision Security access rights assigned to your role by your system administrator.

Button Name Description
Workspace Accesses the Navigator workspaces.
Refresh Refreshes the current data.
Options Opens the Navigator options menu.
Help Opens the Navigator online help system.
Logoff Logs off the current instance of Navigator.
Invoice Pending Approval Alert If you have access to Invoice Approvals, select this alert button to view a list of the projects with draft invoices awaiting approval. The number on the button indicates how many projects have invoices that are awaiting approval.

When you select a project from this list, the Invoices tab displays the selected project and associated invoices.