Change the Voucher Status
Depending on your role in WorkBook, you can change the status of a voucher. Changing the voucher status is the same as approving the voucher. For example, changing a voucher's status from 10 to 20 means you approve the voucher for that stage in the approval process.
Note: You cannot change the status of a voucher that is Under Preparation (10) or For Approval (20) to Approved (40) or Ready for Booking (50) if there is an inactive department in the voucher.
To change the voucher status:
On the main toolbar, click
Finance & Administration
- In the left pane of the Finance & Administration screen, click .
In the top grid of the Creditor Invoices submodule, select a voucher and click a voucher status on the grid toolbar.
Option Description Under preparation For approval Approved For booking
Parent Topic: Procedures