Client Access Tab

Use the Client Access tab to enable or disable access to codes for specific clients.

Client Access Tab Toolbar

Action / Field / Button Description
Context Menu
Left column:
  • Clear All
  • Clear Selected
Right column:
  • Apply Codes to All Clients
  • Apply Codes to Selected Clients
  • Revoke Codes from All Clients
  • Revoke Codes from Selected Clients
  • Clear Apply Settings from All Clients
  • Clear Apply Settings from Selected Clients
  • Clear Revoke Settings from All Clients
  • Clear Revoke Settings from Selected Clients
  • Clear All Settings from All Clients
  • Clear All Settings from Selected Clients
Search Grid Enter a keyword that relates to the code (left column toolbar) or client (right column toolbar) that you want to find.

For the left column filter, click to narrow down information by access type, status, level, or the last used filter.

For the right column filter, click to narrow down information by client group, client type, or the last used filter.

Save Click to save any changes.

Left Column

This column displays access code information.
Column Description
Code This column displays the costing codes.
Note: You can hover your mouse on a cell and click Information to open the Code Information card, which displays all the clients that have access to the specific code.
Description This column displays the code description, if provided.
Parent This column displays the level 1 code that is associated with a level 2 (child) code. The cell is blank for level 1 codes.
Selected This column allows you to enable code access for a specific client.
Tip: Selecting or clearing the header check box selects all the codes in the grid or clears the selection.

Right Column

This column lists all the clients within your organization.
Column Description
Client This column displays all active clients within your WorkBook account.
Note: You can hover your mouse on a cell and click Information to open the Client Information card, which displays all the codes that are enabled for the specific client.
This column allows you to enable code access for a specific client.
Tip: Clicking the header button enables code access for ALL VISIBLE clients in the grid. If you use the search field to narrow down the list, this option will only select items amongst those results.
This column allows you to disable code access for a specific client.
Tip: Clicking the header button disables code access for ALL VISIBLE clients in the grid. If you use the search field to narrow down the list, this option will only select items amongst those results.

Information Cards

You can access the following information cards within the Client Access tab:
  • Code Information Card: This card displays a list of all the clients for which the code is enabled. You can also perform a search using the Search field.
  • Client Information Card: This card displays a list of all the costing codes that are enabled for the specific client (cell).