Company Variable 16: Gives a Warning When Approving a Sales Invoice With Non-Verified VAT Number

Use this Company Variable to determine if WorkBook should give a warning or error when approving a sales invoice with a non-verified VAT number.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - None: Selecting this option allows users to approve invoices with non-verified VAT numbers.
  • 1 - Raise warning on use if VAT number not validated: Selecting this option gives users a warning, which can be ignored by clicking Continue, when approving invoices with non-verified VAT numbers.
  • 2 - Raise error on use if VAT number not validated: Selecting this option gives users an error, which cannot be bypassed and will prevent the invoice from being approved.

The default value of this Company Variable is 0 - None.

This setting is useful if Company Variable 14 is enabled.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.