Company Variable 27: Define Amount Which Total Discount Compared to Total Amount Cannot Exceed

Use this Company Variable to specify the maximum total discount that can be applied to a Job Price Quote.

The total discount on a Job Price Quote cannot exceed the number that you enter for this Company Variable. For example, if you enter 2,000, the maximum total discount cannot exceed $2,000, assuming that the transaction is in US dollars.

This Company Variable works hand-in-hand with Company Variable 26: Define Percentage Which Total Discount Compared to Total Amount Cannot Exceed.

Consider this scenario:

  • Job Price Quote = $10,000
  • Company Variable 26 (maximum discount in percent) = 10%
  • Company Variable 27 (maximum actual discount) = $2,000

If you enter a total discount of $1,500, WorkBook rejects it even if it is less than $2,000 because it exceeds the 10% maximum discount specified in Company Variable 26.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.