Company Variable 49: For Tasks on this Company, When Performing Manual Bookings, Group Scheduling Will Always Allow Overbooking

Use Company Variable 49: For Tasks on this Company, when Performing Manual Bookings, Group Scheduling will always Allow Overbooking to specify that Group Scheduling always permits overbooking on manual bookings for this Company.

When this Company Variable is enabled, Group Scheduling always permits overbooking when users perform manual bookings on this Company's tasks. Overbooking is allowed even if the Allow overbooking check box is not selected in the Booked Resources subgrid > Task Capacity Booking Options pane.

Important: For Company Variable 49 to work, the license type of the booked Group Scheduling Resource must be set to Scheduling Resource. Depending on your permissions, you can verify this by navigating to the Resource Card > Settings > Employee Basic Setting.
For more information about license types, see KB Article # 95749.

You enable this Company Variable by selecting its check box. You disable it by clearing its check box.

The default setting is False.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.