Company Variable 70: Restrict Absence Details

Use this Company Variable to restrict details about employees' absences, including the corresponding absence code descriptions, icons, and color legends.

When this Company Variable is enabled, only a generalized absence type displays when employees are on leave. For example, an "education" leave, with a green color legend and a graduate cap icon, is shown as an "absence", with an orange color legend and a beach ball icon.

The following users are affected:
  • Employees (including managers) on this Company cannot see absence details for any employees except their own.
  • Employees on other Companies cannot see absence details for employees on this Company.
Note the following:
  • Employees who have access to resource card settings or time entry can still determine the details on these specific pages even if they appear generalized in other WorkBook locations. See WorkBook Views Affected by the Absence Details Restriction. You can restrict access to these pages using page access rights (Settings > Advanced Tools > User Access Rights.)
  • Absence codes for other companies are always generalized if this variable is enabled. For the current Company, absence codes can be marked for generalization on the absence code setup page (Settings > Holidays and Absence > Absence Codes tab). For instructions, see Restrict the Details of an Absence Code.
CAUTION: Databoards and reports are not affected by this Company Variable. Be cautious about how data exported from WorkBook is managed.

Other elements that this setting will impact are column color, column legend, and tooltip.

The default value is False.

WorkBook Views Affected by the Absence Details Restriction

  • Scheduling > Task Matrix
  • Scheduling > Timesheet Status
  • Scheduling > Weekly Schedule
  • Scheduling > Timeline Calendar
  • Scheduling > Calendar
  • Resource List > Absence tab
  • Conversation
  • Jobs > Tasks > Support Views > Booking Status
  • Jobs > Tasks > Support Views > Task Calendar
  • Jobs > Tasks > Support Views > Task Timeline Calendar
  • Views that are not listed above must be restricted through Settings > Advanced Tools > User Access Rights. For more information, see Access Rights for Roles.
  • This setting does not affect reports. Reports can be restricted through Settings > Folders, reports, & documents > Report profiles > Report profiles tab. For more information, see Report Profile.
It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.