Company Variable 73: Determines if Costing Code Is Require on Jobs/Tasks

Use this Company Variable to determine if costing codes should be required on jobs or tasks.

You can select one of the following options for this setting:
  • 0 - Do not use: This option disables costing codes for jobs and tasks.
  • 1 - Optional for jobs and tasks: This option makes costing codes for jobs and tasks optional. WorkBook does not perform validation checks and generate validation issues for jobs and tasks that do not have a costing code. Costing codes can also be removed entirely from jobs and tasks.
  • 2 - Required on jobs, optional on tasks: This option ensures that costing codes are required for jobs to be created while making costing codes optional for tasks.
  • 3 - Required on jobs and tasks: This option ensures that costing codes are required for jobs and tasks to be created.
Note: If this setting is set to option 2 or 3, you cannot move a job without a costing code from Status 0 (In Quotation) to Status 1 (In Progress).

The default value of this Company Variable is 0 - Do not use.

You can create, delete, and edit costing codes in Settings > Costing Codes > Costing Code Setup and assign costing codes in:
  • Add New Task dialog box in Jobs > Tasks
  • Create New Job dialog box in Jobs > Jobs List

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.