Company Variable 74: Require Employees to Track Time Using Whereabout

Use this Company Variable to make it mandatory for employees to track time using whereabout profiles.

Your options are:

  • 1 - Not Required: WorkBook does not require employees to track time.
  • 2 - Required for All Employees: WorkBook requires all employees to track time.
  • 3 - Required for Some Employees: WorkBook requires an employee to track time if the option is also selected for that employee in the User Must Track Time column in Settings > Employee Settings > Employee Settings. If the option is not selected for that employee in the User Must Track Time column, they are not required to track time even if Required for Some Employees is selected in Company Variable 74,

The default Value for this System Variable is 1 - Not Required.

It may be necessary to perform a refresh when modifying Company Variable values.

For more information on how to require an employee to track time using whereabouts, see Activate Time Tracking and Time Entry for Whereabout Types and Require an Employee to Track Time on Their Whereabout Entries.