Create a Journal Entry

Use this procedure to add entries to a journal that you select on the List tab.

To perform this procedure, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To create a journal entry:

  1. On the main toolbar click Finance & Administration.
  2. In the left pane of the Finance & Administration window, click General Ledger > Journals.
    The List tab is displayed by default.
  3. In the upper pane, click on the journal for which you want to create journal entries, then click the Journal Entry tab.
    The Journal Entries tab is displayed. Any existing entries for that journal are displayed. For a new journal, a journal entry is automatically created. WorkBook suggests values for some columns, but you can change them as appropriate.
  4. Click Create New Journal Entry in the top pane to add an entry to the journal.
    WorkBook suggests values for some columns, but you can change them as appropriate.

    Alternatively, you can select existing journal entries and click Copy Selected Row(s) to add entries to the journal.

    You can click Delete selected journal entry to delete one or more selected journal entries.

    You can click Get Sales Invoice Data to create journal entries from Sales Invoices.

    You can click Import Data to create journal entries from files such as Excel spreadsheets, comma-separated value (CSV) files, and tab-delimited files.

    You can click Show eliminations / summary to display or hide possible eliminations in the middle grid and display or hide account summary in the bottom grid.

    You can click Set status to under preparation to revert the journal to Status-10 (Under preparation).

    You can click Approve to approve or set the status of the journal to the next possible status. For example, if you approved a journal with a status of 10 (Under preparation), its status changes to 20 (For approval).

    You can click Finalize to finalize the selected journal. You can only finalize journals that are in Status-40 (Approved).

    You can click Upload File to attach a file such as a Creditor Invoice to a journal entry line.

    You can click Open voucher to open the files attached to the voucher.