Display Job Settings

Use the Jobs List or Settings submodule to view job settings.

To use the Jobs List submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To use the Settings submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To display a job's settings:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar, click Jobs List.
  3. Highlight the job whose settings you want to display.
  4. Take one of the following actions:
    • Click Further options and select View job settings.
    • On the grid toolbar, click Job properties sidebar .
    • On the side toolbar, click Settings.
  5. On the side toolbar of the right pane, click any of the following to display the corresponding type of settings or information:
    • Job status: This tab displays the status of the selected job. It includes, among others, the next step, next step date, and last review date.
    • Basic job settings: This tab displays the basic characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, production status, evaluated progress, and start, end, and delivery dates.
    • Job team: This tab displays the team and its members who are assigned to the selected job. You can add and remove members from the team as well as change the team assigned to the job.
    • Job custom codes: This tab displays the list of custom codes that can be used for the selected job. You can add and remove custom codes, as necessary.
    • Job finance settings: This tab displays the financial characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, time entry, billing method, and posting date.
    • Job invoice settings: This tab displays the invoicing characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, the method and fixed unit price of personal expense and mileage entries.
    • Job inter-company settings: This tab displays the inter-company characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, method settlement, minimum inter-company settlement amount, and maximum inter-company settlement amount.
    • Job dimension settings: This tab displays the dimension characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, agreed billing method, client group and segment, and profit center.
    • Project Retainer Job: This tab displays the project retainer characteristics of the selected job. It includes, among others, booked hours, remaining booked hours, planned cost, and planned sale.
    • Reminder: This tab displays the list of reminders for the selected job. You can add and delete reminders, as necessary.
    • Chat: This tab displays the conversations from Briefing, Tasks, Descriptions, Price, Purchase Order, and Invoice of the selected job. You can create, manage, and respond to the conversations.
    • Job elements: This tab displays the different elements of the selected job. It includes, among others, description, schedule, and price.
    • External references: In this tab you can identify the project number and invoice number that you want to use as external reference for the selected job.