Export System and Company Variable Settings

Use Settings Export/Import to create an export file that contains system and company variable settings. You can then use this export file to import the settings into another system.

To use the Settings Export/Import submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the Employee cross-company access submodule under Settings.

To create an export file:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Settings .
  2. In the left pane of the Settings screen, click Advanced Tools > Settings Export/Import.
  3. Click the Settings Export tab.
  4. On the grid toolbar, click Create New Export .
  5. In the Create New Export dialog box, provide the required information.
    Attention: To proceed, you must select either Include system variablesor Include company variables, and at least one company.

    For information about the fields and options, see Create New Export Dialog Box.

  6. Click Export.
    WorkBook displays the export file you created in the grid.