Insert City Tax Codes

Use the Sales Tax Setup submodule to insert city tax codes.

To use the Sales Tax Setup submodule, you must have access to Settings as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To insert city tax codes:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Settings .
  2. If you have more than one company in your system, use the drop-down list above the left pane of the Settings screen to select the company containing the tax records that you want to modify.
  3. In the left pane of the Settings screen, click Tax > Sales Tax Setup.
  4. On the Sales tax setup toolbar, select Show county/special tax setup and Hide inactive tax codes check boxes.
    WorkBook displays the Sales Tax Setup subgrid.
  5. On the Sales tax setup grid, select a state for which you want to insert a city tax code.
  6. On the subgrid, click the City tax setup tab.
  7. On the Sales Tax Setup subgrid toolbar, click Add .
  8. In the Insert city tax code dialog box, specify values for the following:
    • Tax code
    • Tax name
    • County
  9. Click OK.
    WorkBook adds the new entry to the grid. By default, the new city tax code is tagged as active. You can clear the check box under the Active column to deactivate it.
  10. To specify a Report to jurisdiction value, double-click the cell under the Report to jurisdiction column and select an option.
  11. To specify a City tax account debit value, double-click the cell under the City tax account debit column and select an option.
  12. To specify a City tax account credit value, double-click the cell under the City tax account credit column and select an option.