Make an ETC Request From the Task Card (Jobs)

If System Variable 405 is enabled for your system, you can create ETC (Estimated Time to Complete) requests if you need additional hours to complete the task.

To use the Tasks submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To make an ETC request:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Jobs List and highlight the job containing the task for which you want to make an ETC request.
  3. On the side toolbar of the Jobs screen, click Tasks.
  4. On the Tasks screen, click the Tasks tab.
  5. In the grid, highlight a task for which you want to make an ETC request and click Task Settings on the tab toolbar.
  6. On the Task card, click the Basic Settings tab, then click Context Menu > Make ETC Request.
  7. In the Make ETC Request dialog box, provide the values for the required fields and click Request.
    WorkBook displays the requested ETC hours in the bottom pane of the Tasks tab in the Tasks grid of the job card.