Move Time Entries to other Jobs

Use the Costs submodule to move time entries to another job.

To use the Costs submodule, you must have access to Jobs as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

To move a time entry to another job:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Jobs .
  2. On the side toolbar, click Jobs List and highlight the job with the time entry that you want to move to another job.
  3. On the side toolbar, click Costs.
  4. Click the Hours tab.
  5. Highlight the time entry that you want to move to another job.
  6. Click and select Move time entries to another job.
  7. In the Move Hours from Job dialog box, select the check box of the time entry that you want to move and use the corresponding drop-down lists to select the client, job, and task that you want to move your hours to.
    Note: You can select the check box of more than one time entry.
  8. Enter the reason for moving your selected time entry.
  9. If your time entry is in a closed period, identify a move date and if applicable, select the Update sales price according to target jobs price list and Create duplicate of the assigned tasks. The new task will be set to done. check boxes.
  10. Click OK.