Open Job Adjustments

Use Open Job Adjustments under Finance & Administration to view and manage open job adjustments.

To use the Open Job Adjustments submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Open Job Adjustments submodule displays all jobs with adjustments that have yet to be finalized or closed. You can use the information from this submodule to determine why these job adjustments remain open. You can then decide whether the open items need further actions such as making changes to adjustment values, following up and verifying data with approvers, or approving the entries yourself.

The Open Job Adjustments submodule has one main grid and one subgrid. The main grid has columns for the specific jobs that have open adjustments such as the job name, last adjustment date, customer name, and adjustment type.

The main grid allows you to perform the following actions:
  • Approve an open job adjustment record
  • Reject an open job adjustment record
Open job adjustment entries can have the following statuses:
  • 10: Entries that have been rejected
  • 20: Entries for approval
  • 40: Entries that have been approved
Note: Only entries that have the status 20 (For Approval) can be approved or rejected.

The columns in main grid provide information under columns such as Job, Adjustment Type, Approval Status, and Completion Rate.

The subgrid displays the details of the record that you selected in the main grid. It has two tabs:
  • Details tab: The Details tab displays information such as Expenditures type, Currency, Total Expenditures, Actual WIP Value, New Adjustment, and Completion Rate %, among others.
    From the Details tab, you can approve an adjustment record by selecting the record that you want to approve and clicking Approve Adjustment at the bottom right section of the subgrid.
    Note: Only entries that have the status 20 (For Approval) can be approved.
  • Approval tab: The Approval tab displays information such as Employee, Role, Priority, Approval Date, Reject Date, and Reject Comment, among others.

    From the Approval tab, you can choose to display Current or Historical approvals. You can also find specific approval information by using the Search field.

For information about the approval flow setup, see Job Adjustment Approval.

In the subgrid, you will also find details about a specific job adjustment record such as the Adjustment Date or the Job End Date.
Note: The date of the adjustment defaults to the last date of the previous month, or the job end date if it is before the last date of the previous month.