Payment Proposal Approval

Use Payment Proposal Approval under Finance & Administration to view and manage payment proposals.

To use the Payment Proposal Approval submodule, you must have access to Finance & Administration as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Payment Proposal Approval submodule displays all creditor payment proposals that have yet to be approved.

The Payment Proposal Approval screen consists of two grids: the main grid, which displays an overview of creditor payment proposals for approval, and a subgrid, which displays approver details.

From the main grid, you can perform the following actions:
  • Approve a payment proposal
  • Reject a payment proposal
  • Display approver details for a payment proposal (as a subgrid)
  • Search for a payment proposal
The subgrid lets you access more detailed information about the payment proposal that you selected in the main grid. It consists of the following tabs:
  • Approvers: The Approvers tab displays information such as Approver, Role, Priority, Approve Date, and Rejected By, among others.

    You can use the Search field to find specific approver information.

    You also have the option to display or hide approvers that have been removed.

  • Detail Lines: The Detail Lines tab displays information such as Voucher Number, Creditor No., Creditor Name, Method, Currency, Amount, and Payment Date, among others.

    You can use the Search field to find specific detail lines information.

To view and manage only the records that require your approval, go to Tasks > Approval > Payment Proposal for Approval.

For information about the payment proposal approval flow setup, see Creditor Payment Proposal Approval.