Phases Tab

Use the Phases tab within the Tasks submodule to create, copy, delete, and organize phases within a schedule.

The Phases tab enables you to create phases within which you can group and organize tasks. If you are a project manager, you can use Phases to get an overview of the activities that are in a job.

You can create a phase on the fly or select from the default phases, which you define in Settings > Company Settings > Standard Phase Texts.

In addition, from the Phases tab toolbar, you can delete phases and create tasks for each phase that does not have a task associated with it.

Once you have created a task, you can specify its description, and start and end dates from the grid. You can view the count of tasks that are associated with a phase as well as the number of tasks that were marked as Done.

You can assign a color (whose name or meaning you can define) to a phase to visually distinguish it from the list. You define the default colors in Settings > Projects & Jobs > Task Colors.
Note: The color that you choose for a phase will automatically be applied to the tasks within that phase.