Remove Danish Day of Repentance from Holiday Calendar

Use the Holiday Calendars tab under the Holidays and Absence submodule to remove the Danish public holiday Day of Repentance and Prayer from Company holiday calendars.

The Danish public holiday Day of Repentance and Prayer has been cancelled. If you have copied from the Danish holiday calendar template, this holiday is automatically included in your Company calendar(s), and you must remove it manually.

Note: For new WorkBook installations, no action is required.
Note: The holiday calendar template populates up to and including the year 2035, so you must remove 12 occurrences of the Day of Repentance and Prayer holiday—2024 through 2035, both included.

To remove the Day of Repentance and Prayer holiday from the calendar:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Company Settings > Holidays and Absence.
  2. Select the holiday in the Description column.
  3. Click Remove Day in the grid toolbar.
    A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click Yes to remove the holiday from the calendar.

When you remove this holiday, WorkBook automatically recalculates the capacity for all affected employees on that day, so there is no need for you to perform any additional actions.