Review Builder

Use the Review Builder to specify the details of a Review.

Important: Some actions such as the adding of assets from the preceding review or adding of participants from the preceding Review may not be available when you are creating the first Review in a chain.
Section Field / Option / Button Description
Settings Review Name Specify a Review name.
Review Code This field is pre-populated with your input from the Review Name field.
Review Instructions Specify what you expect from your reviewers.
Start Rule Select a start rule.
  • Immediate: Select this option if you want the Review to start as soon as you launch it in the Proofing Workspace. The Review status automatically changes from Not Started to In Progress.
  • Manual: Select this option if you want to manually start the Review. Upon launching the Review, you will be asked to start the Review now or at a later time. Clicking Start Review sets the Review status to In Progress. You can also start the Review within Proofing Workspace by navigating to Review Info > Options > Start Review.
    Note: Participants do not receive a notification when a Review is in Manual / Not Started status.
Auto Approve Rule Select an auto-approval rule.
  • All Approvers Have Approved: Select this option when you want ConceptShare to move the Review status to Completed once all approvers have approved.
  • All Responses Are Submitted: Select this option when you want ConceptShare to move the Review status to Completed once all participants have submitted responses.
  • Off: Select this option when you do not want the status to change automatically.
Due Date Select a due date by which your participants need to complete the Review.
Reminders Select the time remaining for your participants to complete the Review in hours, days, or weeks.
Note: You can add up to four reminders.
Tags Set on Completion Enter tags that can be searchable in ConceptShare. ConceptShare applies the tags to each Asset in the Review when all reviewers have indicated Complete Feedback and submitted their responses, or indicated Approve or Defer.
Allow Feedback Select this option to enable reviewers to give feedback and add markups to the Asset/s in this Review.
Allow Deferrals Select this option to enable reviewers to indicate that they do not need to request changes and will commit to the responses of the other reviewers.
Alternate reviewer is mandatory If you selected the Allow Deferrals option, select this option so the reviewers can specify to whom they are deferring the response submission. They could defer it to an existing reviewer, or they could flag another resource that needs to see the Asset before proceeding.
Assets (Assets to Review) Browse to Add Assets Click to add a file from your machine.
Add Web Content Capture Click to upload web content by entering a web URL.
Get Assets from Preceding Review Click to add the assets currently in the preceding Review in the chain.
Note: This button is available only when there is a preceding Review in a chain.
Remove Hover over an Asset thumbnail and click from the Assets to Review section.
Version Asset Hover over an Asset thumbnail and click to browse the new version from your machine or to add a web content.

Alternatively, drag a file and drop it onto the Asset thumbnail.

Assets (Asset Explorer) Up One Folder Click to move up one folder.
Note: This button is available only if you have an existing Asset folder in Projects > Assets tab.
Selected This icon indicates that the Asset is currently in the Assets to Review section.
New Asset Details Fields will vary depending on the Asset type. For a list of fields and options, see New Asset Details Dialog Box.
Participants Add Click to add a participant to a Review. You can add both ConceptShare users and guest users as reviewers.
Get Participants from Preceding Review Click to the participants currently in the preceding Review in the chain.
Note: This button is available only when there is a preceding Review in a chain.
Review Role Drop-down Menu Click to change the Review role of a participant.
Delete Participant Click to remove a participant from the current Review.
Edit Name Click to specify a guest reviewer's first name and last name.
Review Chain Navigation Review Chain Click Review Chain to open the Review Chain palette, which provides an overview of all the reviews within a chain. It displays information such as Review name, Review status, start rule, and Review participants. You can click a Review card to open it for editing.
Note: Only Not Started and In Progress reviews can be edited.
In addition, from the Review Chain dialog, you can delete a Review as long as it is the last item in a Review chain.
Note: You must have relevant permissions to edit/delete a Review.
Review Chain Navigation Buttons Click to move from one Review to the next.
Add to Chain Click to create a Review that automatically gets added to the existing Review(s) as the last Review in the chain.
Note: You need to save the first Review in the chain before this button is activated.
Action Buttons Close Click to close the Review Builder without saving any changes.
Save Click to save your changes to a Review without closing the Review Builder.
Save and Close Click to save your changes and close the Review Builder.