Scrum Board

Use the Scrum Board submodule to view and manage sprints.

To use the Scrum Board submodule, you must have access to Scheduling as defined in the User Access Rights submodule under Settings.

The Scrum Board submodule allows you to use and manage the components of Scrum, an agile framework for managing work, within the WorkBook application.
Important: You must have at least one active sprint to use the Scrum Board submodule.
The Scrum Board submodule has the following tabs:
  • Scrum Sprint Overview, which provides an overview of all active sprints, and all active tasks within the sprints. Each active sprint is represented in a column. The Backlog column displays all the tasks that are not associated with any active sprint.
  • Scrum Board, which displays the details of the sprint that you select in the Scrum Sprint Overview tab. Each column represents a status such as Planned, Work in Progress, and Completed, among others. The Backlog column displays all the tasks that have not been assigned a progress status.
If you are an Administrator, you can grant Basic Users access to Scrum Board so they can manage tasks (such as assign tasks to themselves) from the Backlog column. Basic users may access Scrum Board from the following areas:
  • Jobs > Tasks > Support Views > Scrum Board
  • Scheduling > Scrum Board > Scrum Board
For instructions, see Grant Basic Users Access to Scrum Board.

System Variable 1123

Before you can use Scrum Board, you must first enable System Variable 1123, which will allow you to assign a progress status to every task. If you are a System Administrator, you can set up and customize progress statuses in Settings > Projects & Jobs > Task Progress Status.