Settings Import Tab

Use the Settings Import tab to import system and company variable settings into a receiving system.

Column Name Description
Id This column displays the import file ID.
Key This column displays the unique reference key associated with the import.
Export Name This column displays the name of the import file.
Import Date This column displays the date the import was completed.
Imported by This column displays the name and the initials of the resource who performed the import.
Import WorkBook Version This column displays the WorkBook version to which the file was imported.
Export WorkBook Version This column displays the WorkBook version from which the file was exported.
Exported By This column displays the name and the initials of the resource who performed the export.
Export Date This column displays the date the export was completed.
Export Domain This column displays the URL or location of the system from which the file was exported.
Export Expiry Date This column displays the date the export file expires. It also displays the number of calendar days from the file creation date to the expiration date.
Export Comment This column displays the comments made by the user who performed the export.